Wedding entertainment

Are you gettin married? Do you want to entertanin your guests? We are here for you!

With our toys, neither adults nor children will get bored, while newlyweds hunt for perfect wedding pictures.

Move your wedding fun to another level:

What entertainment options do we offer?

1. Toys without an instructor

The cheapest option. Toys can be picked up at us in Prague in Dejvice, or we will send them to you anywhere. We will choose such toys that do not require the guidance of an experienced lecturer, nor will they learn long. You can do it all by yourself.

What never fails? Minibike and minitand for kids and adults, Hoverboard, trampoline (easy to build by yourself), or hovershoes.

2. Toys with an instructor

For those who want to keep everything under control.
You will choose the toys you want to have at the wedding and we will bring them to the venue with the lecturer, who will keep the whole thing under control and teach the right technique. So you don't have to worry about anything.

What will our instuctors teach you? We will teach those interested in jumping shoes, but also on an electric unicycle. We also have other toys, that children and adults will not forget ...

3. Show 

Do you want your guests to take an unforgettable experience from the wedding? Book a show on the jumping stilts!
Our experienced jumpers can also prepare personaized show for you (they will prepare a show on your wedding theme or even show how the newly-weds got to know each other).

Give us some clues and we come up with a funny script and a great show.

See how our entertainment looks like:

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